Monday, April 26, 2010

25 motivational phrases

Hi everybody!

Some of our days can be a bit sad, or boring or whatever in that sense. So are mine sometimes. So I started reading the book of Steven Chandler - 100 ways to motivate yourself. And it actually helped me thinking about a lot of stuf; work, personal, love etc. No, not every way of the 100 is usefull (for me in this matter), so I wrote down for myself, and to share with you, 25 ways to motivate yourself. I hope it inspires you to make your dreams come true and maybe you can see that nothing is impossible. At least ALMOST nothing ;-). I will print this out and hang in front of me, at my desk. It will motivate me to deliver better work and to work on my future!

I hope it will help or inspire you as well :-)!


1) That’s you, in your wildest dreams, doing the wildest things, no one else can do. If you just love and keep those dreams, the wildest dreams, you will make yourself come true.

2) Fear kills more people than death. Run toward your fear! Run right at it!

3) Be an artist at whatever you do! Your entire life is yours to create.

4) To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

5) When you prepare a meeting with someone, prepare your questions, not only your answers.

6) Flex your mind. Develop it. Use it.

7) No one is going to rescue you from your circumstances. You are enough. No one needs to come. You can handle your problems yourself. You can grow and get strong and generate your own happiness.

8) People living deeply, have no fear of death. What makes you happy? Find that out and do it. If writing makes you happy, start up a company newsletter or your own website. Don’t wait till something is offered to you.

9) Happiness is strong stuff. It is more energizing than a cup of hot espresso on a cold morning. It is more mind-expanding than a dose of acid.

10) Right side of the brain: dreams, energy and creative insight.

Left side of the brain: linear, logical, short-term and short-sighted thinking.

11) The best ways to get whole brain thinking:

a. goal-visualization
b. joyful work and revitalizing play

12) When we write our plans and dreams, we need to write our hearts out. It’s time to get a bit wild. Wild hearts can’t be broken.

13) Make each day your masterpiece. Life is not later. Life is now. At the end of the day you can say: today I was on my best.

14) Illness can be suck a powerful stimulus to change, perhaps it is the only thing than can force some people to solve their deepest conflicts.

15) Learn to love the opportunities your problems present, then your motivational energy will rise.

16) Draw (each day) 4 circles on a piece of paper. The circles represent my day (today), my month, my year and my life. In each circle I write down what I want.

17) Without advertising (make it really visual) our goal to ourselves, we can lose sight of them altogether.

18) Imagination should be used, not to escape from reality, but to create it.

19) Use brainstorming: On the top of a piece of paper you put a problem you want solved or a goal you want reached. You then put numbers 1 through 20 on the paper and begin your brainstorming session. You have to list 20 ideas, and they don’t have to be well thought out or even reasonable. Give yourself permission to flow. Not all of them are usable, but who cares? When you began the progress you probably didn’t have any ideas.

20) The stronger your voice, the stronger your confidence and the stronger your confidence, the easier it is to motivate yourself.

21) Who’s the artist today? Blind circumstance or me? If I choose to be the artist, how do I want to paint my day?

22) Love is always creative and fear is always destructive

23) Go ahead and feel your feelings. But when it’s time to talk, let your mind into the conversation. Your mind is what motivates you to your higher performance, not your feelings.

24) A problem is, that our weaknesses embarrass us. But embarrassment is not real thinking. Once we really start thinking about our weaknesses they can become strengths, and creative possibilities emerge.

25) The next time you lack passion when thinking of what you want, try turning it around. Ask yourself what you absolutely don’t want, and then feel the energy building in you to overcome that problem.

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